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Terms and conditions- 10K in a day

General and

Pre Event forms and Dietary Requirements,

photographs and video/audio images

All fully paid bookings entitle you to the swim(s) described on 

the date(s) specified supported by In The Wet Stuff coaches. Some swims may include refreshments as described in the specific swim description. These are mainly provided by third party food businesses, or by the purchase of pre made goods. You are responsible for advising of any dietary requirements or allergies. Whilst we will do our best to accommodate requirements we cannot guarantee to fulfil every need. No refunds will be made if you choose to decline or cannot be satisfied with the items on offer.


You will be required to complete a Health declaration (PAR Q) and indemnity form prior to your swim.


Arrival for any swim is a declaration that you are fit and well with no injuries or illness including symptoms of CV19.

During any swim or swim session ITWS and or any contractor or other person so authorised may take photographic or video/audio footage for commercial and exclusive use of ITWS. These images may produce addition commercial products for ITWS in any format. By participating in the swim or session you grant exclusive rights, without any compensation, to any and all captured images or audio in which you may be recognisable to ITWS any successors or licensees and release them from any liability in perpetuity.

 Start Times,

Access and Location Changes

Open water swimming and the weather/water state is by its nature unpredictable and your flexibility is required.


Start times will be confirmed at least 3 days before the event. No refunds for missed departures or no shows. You need to ensure you allow enough time to arrive, park and walk to the notified start/briefing point.

Access to the swim starts can include steep slips and unmade routes.

If you have any doubts about your ability to access swim starts please contact In The Wet Stuff prior to booking.

In The Wet Stuff reserve the right to alter the swim locations, direction or exact route/length in response to safety concerns or other issues outside of their control. This may necessitate you having to travel further or to a new location (always within 15 miles of original) at your own expense. No full or partial refunds will be given if the swim itinerary changes. 


The fallback day is Sunday and you will need to ensure you are available for this contingency. In The Wet Stuff are not responsible or liable for any additional expenditure associated with this requirement.

Swim Ability, Wetsuits, Age

Minimum swim ability:  

You need to be confident you are able to swim the required distance front crawl at pace of 30 min per KM with or without fins.


This is not a race and your pace may be controlled to keep within the safety cover envelope.  This may mean you are held up by the lead safety crew if too fast. 


Sea temperature average for early September is 15-16 degrees.


If at any time In The Wet Stuff staff/

coaches/lifeguards feel you are incapable of swimming the distance in the time/s stated above or are becoming unsafe to others or yourself you will be required to leave the water. No refunds will be given in this instance regardless of when this decision is made. If you refuse to leave the water when requested you are placing yourself in a position where your continued swimming is on the basis of a member of the public expressing their free will and accept that In The Wet Stuff are no longer responsible for your safety in any way. In The Wet Stuff will facilitate any exit safely. Wetsuits are mandatory for this swim, no exceptions.

All swimmers to be over 18 years.

Refunds and   Cancellation 

Bookings, including deposits, are non refundable (see below) and non transferable.

In The Wet Stuff and its suppliers are not liable for any expenses including but not limited to travel, accommodation or refreshment, incurred due to the late cancellation or re scheduling of the entire experience or elements of. If the entire swim is cancelled  the original ticket price will be refunded in full. We recommend you obtain appropriate travel/activity insurance.

All swims are subject to a minimum number cancellation policy, In The Wet Stuff can cancel a swim at short notice if insufficient numbers book to make the swim viable. 

If you are unable to attend any swim booked  due to any reason including, but not limited to Government or local restrictions on travel or any other reason and the swim can still proceed you will not receive any refund.

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